2017-2018 Events


2017 State Conference - Northwest Nazarene UniversityThe Idaho Music Teachers Association is pleased to announce the 2017 State Conference to be held Friday-Saturday, September 22-23, 2017 at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa.

Our conference keynote presenter is Forrest Kinney, a nationally-renowned pianist, teacher and composer who is well known for helping others become creative, whole musicians capable of enjoying the Four Arts of Music: improvising, arranging, composing, and interpreting.

Come join us in Nampa in September for a stimulating and invigorating weekend of professional development!
More Information...

Our Treasure Valley Chapter gather together for lunch during the Friday lunch break.  12:00-1:15 pm
We will meet in Room 222 of the Fine Arts Bldg.  We will order box lunches from NNU's catering department.  $7.50. 
Who's in??  Please RSVP to Kristie Rue (chapter president) or Monica Hughes (program chair 2017-2018) by September 10.

SONATINA REGISTRATION OPENS:  September 12-30, 2017  Online Event Registration!


October 20 - Fall Social.  10:30 am. Program: How Do We Teach?
Guest panelists.
Pot luck lunch to follow.
Home of Suzy Clive. 3038 W Newbury Ct. Eagle, ID  83616


Sonatina Competition
Dates:  November 11, 2017
Morrison Center for the Performing Arts (BSU)
Register here.  (Registration opens September 12-30, 2017)


December 8 - Sharing Christmas.  Let's give the gift of music to the residents of Meadow Lake Village.  Teachers to perform solos and duets.  Linger longer as we share a light holiday buffet. 


Dates TBA
Certificate of Achievement Registration  


February 9 - 10:30 am.  "To Memorize or Not to Memorize" (Reading music on an IPad).  Presenter: Walden Hughes.  NNU.  Lunch at Chapalas to follow - dutch treat!

MARCH 2018

March 9 - 10:30 am.  Sonatina/Sonata 2018 Preview.  Dunkley Music.

MTNA National Conference--More information here.

APRIL 2018

April 14, 2018  Certificate of Achievement
Register here.

April 21, 2018  Certificate of Achievement-Make Up Day

MAY 2018

May 12, 2018   Celebration Recitals for those who have met the 40-Piece Challenge.  Esther Simplot Performing Arts.  Recitals at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00pm.  Contact Monica Hughes for more information.  hughesmonica88@gmail.com

JUNE 2018

June 30, 2018 - All memberships expire! 

Please renew early! When you do, we get our funds and your information early enough to plan for fall!