Emails & Newsletters

TVMTA Fall Meeting Minutes - 9/29/2023

​When & Where: 10:30 am at Idaho Music Academy

Our President Svetlana started the meeting with the good news that Heidi Leben has agreed to continue hosting our TVMTA website for another six months to give us time to find another option for website hosting.   Arthur Houle offered that his son is an expert in building and maintaining websites, and is connecting with Adam Bendorf to figure out options for hosting going forward.

Our next item of business was a quick budget review.  We had a report from the treasurer that the TVMTA current bank account balance is $11,000.  In addition, 2022 Sonatina Festival had a net of $6460.81, expenses were $3882.55, which left a gain of $2578.26.  Bach Festival had a net gain of $109.14, COA had a net gain of $329, and Spring Showcase had a net gain of $160.  It was also mentioned that Boise State University also will not be free to use in the future, as it has been for many years, so the rising costs of facility rental will need to be considered in the budgets if BSU is rented for these events in the future.

Included in our budget discussion was the idea of an honorarium or thank-you for event chairs who give so many hours to our organization.  Everyone voted in favor of a formal thank you honorarium to be given to those who chair events going forward. This will hopefully encourage good feeling and rotation of people among the chair positions. It was agreed that TVMTA will give $500 to Heidi Leben to thank her for continuing to provide our website hosting this year and to thank her for doing it for so many years. We also agreed after consulting with Suzanne our treasurer to give $500 to the Sonatina committee for all their hard work in putting this huge event together each year.  It was also agreed that we will give the chair of COA $500 for all the time and energy she puts into this important event.  In addition it was agreed to give $300 to the chair of Bach Festival, $300 to the Program Chair, $150 to the chair of Spring Showcase and lastly our webmaster will receive $200 per event for his work as Tech support at COA and Sonatina.  These amounts are subject to change in the future, dependent on how much money the events each bring in and how well TVMTA is doing financially.  We will continue to consult with the treasurer year by year on this.

One more consideration that Svetlana reminded us all of was that according to MTNA, there should be at least three board members who do not receive any payment for their duties: president, treasurer, and the secretary.  Every event chair may receive a "thank-you" for arranging and conducting their events.  Therefore, we are going to rearrange our organization and our web page and list only three board members.  The event chairs will be listed below as "Non-board members; Event Chairs and Leaders."

Next in our discussion Adam Bendorf brought up the possibility of professionally recording the Bach Festival by hiring the church’s professional staff (for which the church provides a fee schedule). We can then sharing the recordings for a fee ,as a way to generate more income for the Bach Festival.  The fees for the most categories have also been raised slightly to help cover costs this year.

Ethan Seegmiller also sent a message requesting that everyone remember to indicate if they have any siblings when registering for Sonatina Festival, in order to help facilitate the best scheduling for families.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 and was proceeded by a presentation by two of our local teachers who are also composers.  Juli Draney performed several of her amazing and fun Halloween compositions and Adam Bendorf shared some beautiful intermediate Christmas arrangements that he composed for his students, available for free on his website,

​May16th, 2023

TVMTA Meeting Minutes

May 12th, 2023

11:00am on Zoom platform

1.  In Attendance:

Svetlana Maddox, Adam Bendorf, Anna Bendorf, Juli Draney, Anna Chapman, Elena Nagacevschi, Miki Kurosawa, Steve Slaughter, Irina Albig, Gregory Tabaloff

2.  Welcome by Svetlana Maddox 

Reminder to renew the membership, please update your email address because this is our main way of communication.  Rewards for Chairs (they invest over 50 hours)?  MTNA has a policy not to provide monetary rewards to the Board members.  But as a non-profit we do pay our judges, why not reward our dedicated chairs?  California chapter gives out gift cards. We do not qualify for certain grands since we have no paid staff.  Continue the discussion (Svetlana, Juli, Anna, and Adam) if it is appropriate to pay for the events to our Chairs.  Should we raise the fees for the festival in order to cover the expanses and have some money left for our TVMTA?  

Volunteer - 4 hours/semester.  Anything above that time commitment should be recompensed. 

3.  Adam Bendorf: Bach’s Festival

College students — Friday night.  Run two rooms for the Saturday event with younger children.  This would require 6 judges.  The winners play with the smaller orchestra.  May — finalize the concertos and have the competition in October.  Meridian Youth Symphony.  Raise the fees for participation.  

4.  Sonatina Competition 

Introduce age requirement for the Sonatina Competition?  

Young Artist Level — expand the repertoire suggestions on the list and allow teachers to choose appropriate pieces for their students.  (Many advanced students prepare for IMTA competition, Musicians West Pre-college competition, and get ready to audition for music programs at the colleges throughour the US; therefore, these students have to be given an opportunity to pick reasonable difficult pieces within their abilities and perform these pieces at the Young Artist Level at the Sonatina Competition).  We hire the judges who will then pick the winners.  

5. Juli Draney, Spring Showcase Chair 

Valuing ourselves and our organization.  

6. TVMTA Balance:

May 31, 2022: over $4,426.29

April 30, 2023: $9,921.43

7. Anna Bendorf, Vice President and Program Chair

New Guest Artists in Fall 2023 / Spring 2024

Dr. Haul?

Invite a group of TMTA teachers that composed pieces and have them share their compositions with our members.  Anyone who composes or arranges.  Have students perform those pieces.  

Include this info in the next newsletter.  

8.  Next Meeting:  the first week of September 

April 27, 2023


2023 TVMTA Spring Showcase Recitals

It’s time again for our annual TVMTA Spring Showcase recitals! The recitals will take place on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at the Dunkley Music Recital Hall. This year will feature fun decorations and each performer will receive a beautiful performance ribbon! 

The sign up deadline is extended to April 30. You can sign up at our website, by logging in to your teacher portal and selecting the “Pay Fees” option. There you will find the following, fun recital options! After you have paid for your students, please send their name, age (approximate, and for non-adults) and recital selections to Anna Chapman, If your piece is longer than 5 minutes, please email for permission. Thank you!

We look forward to another successful and inspiring year! Special thanks to our webmaster, Ethan Seegmiller!


Anna Chapman and Juli Draney, co-chairs

2023 TVMTA Soring Showcase Recitals:

Any Teacher Performance (any recital) $10

9:00am – Adult Learners (with special performance anxiety presentation) $20

11:00am – Open Composer/Time period/Genre $20

1:30pm  Elton John/Billy Joel/Stevie Wonder/Earth, Wind, and Fire $20

3:30pm – John Williams/TV/Film/Viral Internet: May 13, 2023 $20

5:30pm – Open Composer/Time Period/Genre: May 13, 2023 $20

7:30pm – Open Composer/Time Period/Genre $20

April 27, 2023

Dear Teachers,

Please join us on ZOOM on Friday, May 12th at 11:00AM.  Below you will find the zoom meeting invitation.  Please do not delete this email until after the meeting, so that you don't lose the ZOOM meeting ID!

EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND the meeting and share their suggestions and points of view.  If you are new to the area or to our organization, please attend our meeting, meet the board members, make friends, and ask questions.  This will be the perfect time to get the answers.  We welcome and encourage your participation in our programs and make sure that you get trained by our more experienced members and not get overwhelmed.  We care for and appreciate our volunteers.  

BOARD MEMBERS - PLEASE TRY ATTEND THIS MEETING and help us make plans for Fall 2023/Spring 2024. 

Attention: if you cannot attend the meeting, please email me the requested information (please read the whole message) or any announcements that you wish to make by May 12th, and I will read your message out loud during the meeting.  Thank you!

Here is the meeting agenda:

TVMTA Secretary, Polina Bratkov will take notes during the meeting and will email the meeting notes to the members after the meeting

Juli Draney, Spring Showcase Chair will discuss her event that will take place on May 13th - the next day after our meeting!

Vice President and Program Chair, Anna Bendorf, will discuss her plans for inviting new Guest Artists in Fall 2023 / Spring 2024

Certificate of Achievement Chair, Suzy Clive - many THANKS and CONGRATULATIONS to you for organizing and conducting such a wonderful event in Spring 2023.  We will look forward to having our students participate in the Certificate of Achievement in Spring 2024!  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about this event.

Treasurer / Registrar, Suzy Clive will provide financial information about Sonatina Competition, Bach Festival, Certificate of Achievement, and Spring Showcase and inform us about the current financial state of our organization.  If we need to make cuts, save, or raise more money, this is the time to discuss it.  If we need to raise the participation fees on some events, please let us know and we will discuss this item as well

Webmaster, Ethan Seegmiller will share his hopes, concerns, or suggestions about our website 

Sonatina Competition Chair, Bronwen Godfrey will discuss the registration process and will answer all possible questions about her event

Sonatina Repertoire Committee, Tawna Love, Amy Audas, Gregory Taboloff, please try to attend the meeting, so that we could THANK YOU in person for selecting the compositions for all levels.

Adam Bendorf, Bach Festival Chair will share his ideas about the organization of this Festival in Spring 2024.  Due to a great number of participants, we have to figure out a way to manage this event in the future, starting with Spring 2024

If I missed any items on the meeting agenda, and you would like to discuss it, please send me an email by May 12th and try to attend the meeting.

April 25, 2023

Dear Teachers,

We are grateful to our Sonatina Committee for compiling a list of fun and engaging pieces for the November Competition.  One of them is Stompatina by Jeremy Schrepple.  This piece is played with the swing funk groove.  Your level 7 students will definitely enjoy this one!

The mp3 recording of the piece in in the attachment.  

Here is the message from Jeremy with the details on where to find a YouTube link with the demonstration.  

“If teachers search “Stompatina” in Youtube it’s the third video that pops up.  The channel I created is also called “Stompatina”.  Dunkley purchased seven copies of the piece and I assume they’ll go in the Sonatina Competition section when that goes up.  ~Best, Jeremy”

April 23, 2023

Dear teachers,

This 2023 Sonatina Competition list was prepared by Tawna Love (chair), with gratitude to committee members Amy Audas and Gregory Taboloff.

Suggestions were also appreciated from Adam Bendorf, Halimah Brugger, Suzy Clive, Juli Draney, and Jeremy Schrepple.  

Big round of applause goes to the wonderful team of our teachers who spent their time, effort and expertise on compiling this wonderful array of pieces for Sonatina Competition 2023.  😊

Our Sonatina Chair in Fall 2023 is going to be Bronwen Godfrey, who did an amazing job arranging the Sonatina Competition in Fall 2022. 🌹

Spring semester is very busy for everyone.  We will soon start working on updating our website and adding all the projects for Fall 2023.

Thank you to everyone who worked on the Sonatina List!

With great appreciation,


TVMTA President,

Dr. Svetlana Maddox

April 20, 2023

Dear teachers,

It is time to renew your MTNA membership.  You probably received the invitations that came from MTNA via email and also in your mailbox.

As you renew your membership, please check and make sure that your email address is current and correct.  You will receive all the information from us on that email address because this is what we will have on file.  If you don't use that email account any longer, please change it on the renewal form, and we will have your new email address on file.

As a reminder, it is best to renew your membership now, so that you stay connected with MTNA and IMTA and receive all the important updates, newsletters, and important information about our local competitions, festivals, and events.

Thank you all very much for paying attention to this message,



Dr. Svetlana Maddox

Piano Performance

Adjunct Faculty

Department of Music

Boise State University​

April 11, 2023

2023 TVMTA Spring Showcase Recitals

It’s time again for our annual TVMTA Spring Showcase recitals! The recitals will take place on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at the Dunkley Music Recital Hall. This year will feature fun decorations and each performer will receive a beautiful performance ribbon! 

The sign up deadline is extended to April 30. You can sign up at our website, by logging in to your teacher portal and selecting the “Pay Fees” option. There you will find the following, fun recital options! After you have paid for your students, please send their name, age (approximate, and for non-adults) and recital selections to Anna Chapman, If your piece is longer than 5 minutes, please email for permission. Thank you!

We look forward to another successful and inspiring year! Special thanks to our webmaster, Ethan Seegmiller!


Anna Chapman and Juli Draney, co-chairs

2023 TVMTA Soring Showcase Recitals:

Any Teacher Performance (any recital) $10

9:00am – Adult Learners (with special performance anxiety presentation) $20

11:00am – Open Composer/Time period/Genre $20

1:30pm  Elton John/Billy Joel/Stevie Wonder/Earth, Wind, and Fire $20

3:30pm – John Williams/TV/Film/Viral Internet: May 13, 2023 $20

5:30pm – Open Composer/Time Period/Genre: May 13, 2023 $20

7:30pm – Open Composer/Time Period/Genre $20

April 9, 2023

Thank you to all the teachers and especially the volunteers for helping our day to run so smoothly! Isn’t it great to work with so many fun people?!? And thank you to our great judges for your skills and expertise!

First, there were two bags left at BSU. One is a black bag with a green dinosaur “If you’re happy and you know it…” 

Secondly, a pink flamingo teacher’s bag with lots of books.

Del Parkinson has both of these bags and will keep them until Friday. Please reach out to him 208-426-3300 to arrange picking them up as soon as possible. You may also email him at . After that, the bags will be donated to homeless pianists.

Theory exams are in manila folders with teacher names on them and placed on my porch for a week. Then they will be dropped off to Dunkley the following week. Some teachers who already took their folders from the audit room still have more papers, so be sure to check.The cross streets are Meridian and Chinden.

With a few exceptions, the exams are finalized. You may go onto the teacher portal and print out the comments as well as print beautiful certificates for your student’s accomplishments. Students whose totals equal 12, 24, 36, 48, etc. should expect a trophy some time in the next 4-6 weeks. Look for an email from Luann about when and where to pick those up. 

We have gotten lots of great feedback on how to do things better next year. Most of you want to use the old California technique. We can do that. Most of you want better quality theory exams with fewer errors, and without reusing the same material from past years. I would like the theory exams to come sooner than 36 hours before the event! haha! Other changes: we plan to not tear off the ear training from the back of the theory exams anymore, but instead keep the theory and ear training exams connected. Upon completing either theory or ear training, students will be asked “walk’ the exam to the other event. Many liked the format of the volunteer sign up.

I think many teachers are a little rusty since the pandemic years, so a reminder of the rules: no photocopies. Anything printed from your printer should have stated on the top where you got the music and if it is purchased or if it is public domain. Brand new teachers to our group are welcomed and you are needed to help us grow!!! A few of you new teachers were given a bit of grace this year as you learn the ropes. Everyone is now reminded and on notice. Please do read all materials we send. Please be sure your students bring all their music. Please be sure the second copy for the judge is not a photocopy-we know this is a painful rule. If your student doesn’t have their music or if they have photocopies, or if they don’t have a second copy for the judge, they can play for comments only, or they will need to make arrangements for a Path B evaluation on another day (and pay the judge) once the legal music is obtained.  

Just be aware we BARELY had enough volunteers, so we may need to make some adjustments to our requirements. Please do consider laying down the law that every family in your studio needs to volunteer at least once a year in your studio.

Special thanks to Del and Jeremy for getting the facilities open and ready on time and then closing up again, thanks to Svetlana for answering dozens of my emails about getting keys and which rooms were which, thanks to Tawna and Irina for running the Theory room all day, thanks to Ethan for so much behind the scenes work in preparation and for serving all day today, thanks to Luann for being in charge of trophies and for serving all day today, thanks to Michiko for an excellent feast and snacks, thanks to Bronwen for pulling a full day shift as well in Ear training as well as in our Audit room and for making a special trip to make sure our Ear Training room was ready in advance, and of course thank you to all our other wonderful volunteers!

Let’s keep growing this program! It is so good for students, and helps us grow as teachers. Send any suggestions my way. Hugs to you all! See you next year!


March 29, 2023

Dear Music Teachers,

We have a wonderful opportunity to connect this weekend and to hear a lecture by Dr. Ravitskaya on Chopin Interpretation!  She is an excellent pianist and highly sought after clinician and we are thrilled that she can be with us here in Meridian. The event and parking are free, and we would love to invite intermediate and advanced students and their families to attend! Please forward this invitation to your studios and join us at Dunkley Music 6:00-7:00 pm, this Saturday April 1st.  

Happy Spring to you all,

Anna Bendorf

TVMTA Program Chair

March 27, 2023

Dear Teachers,

There is still room in the upcoming Masterclass for a few more intermediate and advanced students! It takes place this weekend, Saturday, April 1st at 10:00 am. with Dr. Irena Ravitskaya, at Dunkley Music. 

Please click the link below to sign your students up ($30 for 15 minutes and $40 for 30 min).

Best regards,

Anna Bendorf 

TVMTA Program Chair

March 20, 2023

Dear TVMTA Members,

I wanted to invite you all to the upcoming Masterclass on Saturday April 1st at 10:00 am. with Dr. Irena Ravitskaya.  She is an accomplished pianist and musician who has performed across Europe and the United States and will also give a lecture in the evening for us at 6:00 pm on Chopin Interpretation.  

There is still room for students to sign up for this event — It is a wonderful opportunity to get performance experience before COA!  

Please click the link below to sign your students up for the masterclass ($30 for 15 minutes and $40 for 30 min). Just a reminder, students must bring original scores with them, dress nicely, and stay for the whole event to support one another!

If you have any questions, please e-mail Anna Bendorf

Best regards,

Anna Bendorf 

TVMTA Program Chair​

February 27, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Oprah Idaho is in urgent need of a pianist who can play the harp part on keyboard for an Opera Idaho production of “An American Dream” this week.  The first rehearsal is today.  Please contact Melanie Keller directly if you are willing to assist!  The score is in the attachment below.  

Polina Bratkov

TVMTA Secretary


"Are you available to play the harp part on keyboard for us?  If you have to miss the first rehearsal or two, we can still use you!   I have attached the part.Can you take a look at the schedule below and let me know as soon as possible if you are available for this set?  The compensation is $95/service; total of 6 services.  Compensation amount is non-negotiable. 

Thank you!"

February 13, 2023

Dear Teachers,

C of A Phase 2 closes February 14th at 11:59 p.m. Log in to check and double check you have done all that is needed for your students to participate! Thank you!

Suzanne Winegar Clive

February 4, 2023

Dear Teachers,

Just a quick reminder that our TVMTA Masterclass is at 10:00 am this morning at Dunkley Music and the Presentation by Dr. Macchioni will be this evening at 6:00 pm, also at Dunkley.

We would love to see you there!


Anna Bendorf

TVMTA Program Chair

February 3, 2023

Phase 2 is now open for Certificate of Achievement! You may add your student’s repertoire information until 11:59 pm on February 14, 2023. New registrations and online payment are no longer accepted.

Please do not wait until the last minute! If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Suzy Clive at

It’s going to be a fantastic day of growth and learning!

February 3, 2023

Dear Teachers,


This is a reminder that TV MTA is hosting two great events on Saturday, February 4th, and we would like to see you in the audience.


Our Guest Artist, Dr. Oscar Macchioni, an internationally acclaimed pianist and pedagogue, who teaches at the University of Texas in El Paso, is going to give a public Master class from 10am - 12pm at Dunkley Music Recital Hall.  This master class is going to be one of the highlights of our Spring 2023 Program.   A Master class is a fun event that allows you to learn more about musical interpretation and various teaching techniques in a friendly atmosphere.  We expect that some Bach pieces might be performed in the master class, since the Bach Festival is around the corner.  Therefore, it is a good idea for all of us to attend the Master class and brush up on Baroque compositions, while supporting the students who chose to play at the Master class.   

Then, on the same day, Saturday, February 4th at 6:00pm, Dr. Oscar Macchioni is going to give a presentation, “The Art of Practicing: Everything Starts with a Goal.”  A GOAL is what motivates us in life, what propels us to do things, to improve, to achieve. Years of practicing can be wasted because of the emphasis on quantity and not on quality. This presentation will focus on practical tips, illustrated with examples from the piano literature, using everyday’ s traditional and non-traditional exercises, to help students develop proficiency in technique, sound production, and memory. Examples from Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Cortot, scales and arpeggios, and more. 

 Looking forward to seeing you there!

Dr. Svetlana Maddox

Piano Performance

Adjunct Faculty

Department of Music

Boise State University​

January 30, 2023


C of A Phase 1 ends at 11:59pm on Jan. 31st and all fees must be paid! It is a good time to double check your registrations as well!

Suzanne Winegar Clive

Chair, Certificate of Achievement

January 16, 2023

Dear Colleagues, 

You are invited to our January TVMTA Zoom meeting this coming Friday (January 20th) at 11:00 am.  

It is a great opportunity to meet our TVMTA Chairs and have your questions answered about the upcoming events!

We look forward to a great year!  We value your input and want to hear your suggestions and ideas!

January 10, 2023

Hello TVMTA Teachers,

Tonight is the Bach registration deadline, 11:59pm.  Thank you to those who have registered and paid.   I am super excited to see some strings, woodwinds, and organ this year.  And of course, plenty of piano! 😉

Schedules will be emailed out soon.


Adam Bendorf

Bach Festival Chair 


January 9, 2023

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a great holiday! Certificate of Achievement Phase 1 is open. That means we need the students name, level, and any scheduling conflicts, plus your payment for each student. Phase 1 is open for all of January.


A variety of time periods and styles is always the goal. TVMTA is the pre-eminent group of teachers in the Treasure Valley and most, if not all of us, appreciate the benefits of a well-balanced program! A Repertoire checker may offer suggestions, particularly for future programming, but teachers have the final say on what is working best for their students. Remember however, that all selections must be from different composers.  This is an especially helpful reminder for the lower levels.


Nadine Reece has kindly agreed to do a Make Up Day on Saturday April 15th-that is one week later than C of A - limited time spots available. Please note your preference when registering each student under “Scheduling Preference and Requests”. Students can take Theory and Ear Training as well on that day. It will also include an additional $15 fee payable to TVMTA to cover additional judging and administrative expenses. Parents must give Nadine the check for $15 the day of the Make-Up. 

If your student needs a “Path B” which is neither make-up day nor the regular day, note this when registering and please contact me at These should be extremely rare and also incur an additional minimum $40 fee payable directly to the judge for their time.


I will be contacting members with volunteer assignments soon. It takes a village to run this event! Please be willing to help! We need each teacher to come for a 1/2 day (or send a qualified experienced parent volunteer in their stead) as well as several parent volunteers depending on the number of students you have entered.


Remember all requirements for C of A are available at . For any “old school” teachers that would like the option of using the old (California) technique requirements that we have been using for the past 15 or so years, that will be just fine - please send me an email. I know several teachers have invested lots of time and money into creating technique packets for their studios they use each year. We can accommodate you - just please let me know so I can inform the judges.

If you have any questions or concerns that are not answered by this email, or by the information on our website or the C of A website, please let me know. For any questions I already answered, but you just didn’t read the information provided, you will be given additional volunteer assignments. (just kidding).

Suzanne Winegar Clive

January 9, 2023

Hello TVMTA Teachers,

Bach Festival deadline is this Tuesday, January 10 at 11:59pm.  I see some wonderful repertoire already entered, lets see some more!  Register at

Also, a few of you haven’t paid yet.  Just a gentle reminder to get that payment done so your registration is complete.

Have a wonderful evening!

Adam Bendorf

Bach Festival Chair 

661-607-3255January 4, 2023

Hello TVMTA Members,

Unfortunately the registration portion of our TVMTA web site is down.  This is the page where you sign up for Bach Festival, COA, Sonatina, etc..  I am hoping it will be up soon, but I do not know exactly when—that is dependent on others. If the page is not up soon then we will move to our back-up plan.  At the moment the registration deadline is Jan 10.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Adam Bendorf


December 26, 2022

Dear TVMTA Members,

In the New Year we have a privilege of hosting Dr. Oscar Macchioni from the University of Texas El Paso, on Saturday February 4th for a Masterclass at Dunkley Music in Meridian at 10:00am and a lecture at 6:00 pm titled “The Art of Practicing - Everything Starts with a Goal”.  Dr. Macchioni is an International Steinway Artist, who has performed extensively all over the world and authored a book “Tango in American Piano Music”. I am so excited to hear from him and I hope you all can join us! 

Please click this link to sign your students up for the masterclass ($30 for 15 minutes and $40 for 30 min).

Students should play something that they are very comfortable performing for memory and should dress for the occasion.  We ask that only two students per studio sign up for now, since space is limited, but we will squeeze in as many students as possible! Please bring checks made out to Oscar Macchioni and hand them to me at check in, to give with our thanks to Dr. Macchioni.  Students should arrive 10 minutes early, with their original scores, to be seated in performance order, so that we can start on time.  We will also do a group picture at the end, so please ask your students to stay for the entire class.  I’m sure it will be an enriching experience! 

Please feel free to e-mail me with questions at

Thanks and Happy Holidays to you all!

Anna Bendorf

TVMTA Program Chair

December 14, 2022

Hello Teachers,

Bach Festival Registration is now open and will close on January 10, 2023.  Register here:

Rules, rep requirements, and fees can be found on the attached document.  

Looking forward to hearing some great Bach music (and perhaps some other Baroque pieces as well?) on our festival day, February 11th!


Adam Bendorf

Chair, Idaho J.S. Bach Festival & Competition 


December 14, 2022

Hello Teachers,

Bach Festival Registration is now open and will close on January 10, 2023.  Register here:

Rules, rep requirements, and fees can be found on the attached document.  

Looking forward to hearing some great Bach music (and perhaps some other Baroque pieces as well?) on our festival day, February 11th!


Adam Bendorf

Chair, Idaho J.S. Bach Festival & Competition 


December 14, 2022

Kuna United Methodist Church is looking for a regular music minister to support worship on the piano.  Duties include supporting congregational and choir singing along with prelude/postlude instrumentals.  Sundays 9:15-11am and choir practice Wednesdays 7-8pm.  Paid position.  Please contact

December 14,  2022

Hello Teachers, 

Just a reminder that the Bach Festival has an option where students can choose not to compete but still receive comments from the judges.  And don’t forget that there is a non-Bach Baroque category— this is especially nice for younger students playing out of something like the Snell Piano Rep series, or similar.  

OK, let's keep those registrations coming in.  

Enjoy your weekend!

Adam Bendorf

Bach Chair


October 24, 2022

Dearest Colleagues,

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Svetlana Maddox kindly agreed to give another solo piano recital!  Some of you contacted us requesting to organize another concert specifically for the students and their families.  This event is open to the public and children 8 and older are welcomed! We are thankful to Luanne Fife for offering her concert hall at Idaho Music Academy for this event.  We look forward to seeing many of you this coming Saturday at 11:00

You can view the concert poster in the attachment below.  Please feel free to share it with your students and their parents.  

Idaho Music Academy 

1505 S. Tyrell Lane in Boise

Saturday, October 29, 2022 at 11:00AM

Admission - $10 (adults) or $20 (family with kids)


Polina Bratkov

TVMTA Secretary October 24, 2022

Dear TVMTA Members,

All are invited! Our first TVMTA Performance Gathering will be held this Friday, October 28 at 7pm at the home of Juli Draney, 708 S Beach St, Boise, ID 83705. There will be tricks and treats and beautiful music! 

Come and play a favorite piece! You can wear a costume or not. 🎃🎶🍁🍂

Please RSVP to Juli by Thursday evening: 

Thank you! 


October 24, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Redeemer Lutheran Church is looking for a pianist.  They are located at 2920 Cassia St, Boise.  The Contact person is Bonita Hammer.  Her phone number is 208-841-9563.  

Thank you,

Polina Bratkov

TVMTA Secretary

Redeemer Lutheran Church in Boise, Idaho is looking for Professional Musician-Pianist who shall provide spiritual music for each scheduled Sunday worship service at the church. Current worship time is 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

Duties & Qualifications:

Pay is $150 Per Sunday


For more information, please email:

October 3, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

If you or any of your students missed the lecture-recital on Saturday, you still have a chance to attend Dr. Svetlana’s concert this coming up SUNDAY at 4:00! 

Polina B. 

TVMTA Secretary 


Faculty Artists Series Recital - Svetlana Maddox, piano

When: Sun, October 9, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Where: BSU, Morrison Center Recital Hall (C200) (map)

Description: Dr. Svetlana Maddox is going to play a solo recital featuring Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition."  This recital will be supported by a colorful PowerPoint presentation and a brief discussion about the pieces from this spectacular programmatic suite of character pieces.Admission is $10. Children, non-Boise State students of any age (with ID), and Boise State faculty, staff and students with ID are admitted free.    All concert proceeds fund Boise State Music Scholarships.

Convenient hourly public parking for non-Boise State parking permit holders attending Music Department events is available just south of the Morrison Center in the Brady Street Garage for $3.25 per hour.  Cash and credit/debit cards are accepted at the kiosk.

Thank you very much!



September 30, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We are so excited to see you all tomorrow evening (6:00pm) at the Dunkley Music Hall for an outstanding music recital by our very own TVMTA President Dr. Svetlana Maddox!  This is the perfect way to start the season of performances and TVMTA gatherings.  We invite you to check out our website section “Calendar of Events” and mark your calendars now so you can make plans in advance.

Here is a brief overview of tomorrow’s event:

Dr. Svetlana Maddox is going to give a solo recital featuring Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition."  The recital theme is, "Imagination is the key."  This recital will be supported by a colorful PowerPoint presentation and a short discussion about each piece.  Free admission.  Teachers, please invite your family, friends and students, age 8 and older.

Dunkley Music

3410 N Eagle Rd,

Meridian, ID 83646

We look forward to seeing everyone of you!  Please come up and introduce yourself if you are new!  


Polina Bratkov

TVMTA Secretary

September 28, 2022

Dear Colleagues, 

The deadline for Sonatina Competition is THIS FRIDAY.  Some of you contacted us requesting assistance with registration and payments.  In this email we would like to answer some of the questions that arose during registration for Sonatina Competition.  

1.  "I am experiencing problems with registration.” 

“The system shows that I am a non-member and requests a higher fee.” 

“I can’t get into my account, my login doesn’t work.”

If you are experiencing problems with registration for Sonatina Competition on the website, please contact our webmaster Ethan Seegmiller at  The teachers are added manually to our registration system.  If you are new or just renewed your membership in September, you have not been added and the system doesn’t recognize you as member.  

2.  “I have a problem registering my student for the Young Artist level.  The last level that comes up on the screen is Level 10.”

The Young Artist level is just another category and should come up on the screen as any other level.  We recommend using a PC/desktop computer instead of a mobile device when registering.  Also, some find that using Chrome instead of Internet Explorer when registering helps clear some of these issues.  

3.  “I have questions about the deadlines and the repertoire for this event.”

The specific questions about the event itself as well as the repertoire could be referred to our Sonatina Chair, Bronwen Godfrey at  

We are trying our best to address your concerns.  Sonatina Competition is a big event that requires a lot of coordination and planning.  Thank you for your patience and understanding!  We look forward to seeing you and hearing your students' beautiful performances in November!

Best of all,

Polina Bratkov

TVMTA Secretary 

September 27, 2022

Dearest Teachers!


Please invite your colleagues and students to this incredible Lecture-Recital.  We all want to grow in our performance and teaching skills.  Come and get inspired!

WHAT: Beautiful Performance of musical pieces intermingled with the oral presentation

WHEN: Saturday, October 1 at 6:00 pm

WHERE: Dunkley Music Hall. 3410 N Eagle Rd, Meridian, ID 83646

WHO:  Dr. Svetlana Maddox


Saturday, October 1st at 6:00pm – Dr. Svetlana Maddox’s lecture-recital, “Imagination is the Key.”

   “Imagination is the Key.”  How to teach imagination to your piano students?  Why is imagination so important to a piano performer?  Mussorgsky’s famous programmatic suite of character pieces, “Pictures at an Exhibition” is a bountiful source for anyone’s imagination.  Mussorgsky’s ingenious and surprising titles of the individual Pictures spike our curiosity and ignite our imagination.  Our imagination creates visual images in our minds and makes us fantasize and create plots and stories that go with the music.  The original sketches and drawings by Victor Hartmann (that inspired Mussorgsky to compose this masterpiece) make us listen to music closer and look for the links and associations between visual images and the music itself.  Finally, Mussorgsky’s powerful music takes us to the mysterious world of legends and fairytales, invites us to travel abroad to different countries, and then brings us back to the realistic scenes from everyday life.  Dr. Svetlana Maddox’s lecture about Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition” will be supported by a colorful PowerPoint presentation and a performance of the entire suite.

September 27, 2022



TVMTA is thrilled to announce that the annual Sonatina Competition will be held November 5th, 2022 at Boise State University. It is a wonderful event that motivates students and challenges us to improve our teaching! If you have questions, please first visit our website where there is lots of general information about the event.

Registration will be open September 1st through September 30th, 2022. Home | TVMTA Event Registrations (

Don't forget to renew your membership before you register students so you are charged the lower member fees. Renew Membership ( Please do not wait until the last minute to do this!!!

The 2022 repertoire list can be found here Sonatina List | TVMTA Event Registrations (

**Repertoire for the Young Artist level must be approved by the committee. Please send selections to by October 1st.**

If you have any additional questions,  please contact me.

Bronwen Godfrey

Sonatina Chair 2022-2023

September 19, 2022

Dear Idaho Teachers,

We are excited to open this academic year calendar of events with an enriching performance/lecture-recital by our TVMTA President and a third-generation pianist Dr. Svetlana Maddox!  Events like these are organized for you and your students!  Our association exists to provide educational opportunities and to empower you to become better educators.  We want to support you in your career, inspire you in your teaching, and help you connect with other music professionals.  

Please forward this invitation to your students, your colleagues, your spouse!  

Polina Bratkov

TVMTA Secretary 

Saturday, October 1st at 6:00pm – Dr. Svetlana Maddox’s lecture-recital, “Imagination is the Key.”

   “Imagination is the Key.”  How to teach imagination to your piano students?  Why is imagination so important to a piano performer?  Mussorgsky’s famous programmatic suite of character pieces, “Pictures at an Exhibition” is a bountiful source for anyone’s imagination.  Mussorgsky’s ingenious and surprising titles of the individual Pictures spike our curiosity and ignite our imagination.  Our imagination creates visual images in our minds and makes us fantasize and create plots and stories that go with the music.  The original sketches and drawings by Victor Hartmann (that inspired Mussorgsky to compose this masterpiece) make us listen to music closer and look for the links and associations between visual images and the music itself.  Finally, Mussorgsky’s powerful music takes us to the mysterious world of legends and fairytales, invites us to travel abroad to different countries, and then brings us back to the realistic scenes from everyday life.  Dr. Svetlana Maddox’s lecture about Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition” will be supported by a colorful PowerPoint presentation and a performance of the entire suite.

September 15, 2022

Announcement for Musicians for Sunday Worship Service


King of Glory Lutheran Church, Boise is searching for musicians to play on Sundays during an interim period before we are able to secure a Director of Music. We need a musician to play (piano or organ or guitar) on hymns and worship liturgy for our Sunday 10:00 a.m. service. Our compensation is competitive and negotiable.  

Contact:  Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg

September 8, 2022

The TVMTA Performance Gatherings will be a new feature of our group this year! This is a takeoff from the Piano Club of years ago. It will be a series of get togethers where member teachers share performances with each other. All are invited. If you would like to join, we will have approximately four gatherings throughout the year: October, January, March and May. I will host the first gathering on Friday, October 28 at 7pm at my home, 708 S Beach St, Boise, ID 83705. That's close to Halloween, so it might just be a Halloween theme party as well! 

If you would like to volunteer to host, or attend our October gathering, please email me and/or RSVP to I look forward to sharing the music we all love and supporting each other! 

Also, the TVMTA Spring Showcase recitals are scheduled for Saturday, May 13, 2023. Details will be in the January TVMTA newsletter!

Thank you!  -Juli

​August 27, 2022

Dear Colleagues!

Covenant Presbyterian Church is looking for a pianist/music director.  This position is negotiable for the right person (part-time/ full-time), and the interim.  Please see the detailed job description in the attachment.  If any of you are interested in using your talents and expertise to serve our community, please contact Rev. Kevin M. Starcher who pastors this church.  

Rev. Kevin M. Starcher, D.Min.

Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church

4848 N. Five Mile Rd

Boise, ID 83713

208-391-3099 (cell)

August 27, 2022

Dear Colleagues:

There was a time when we all asked ourselves, "When can we transition from piano method books to ‘real' classical repertory?” Dr. Houle says: “Sooner than we might think!”

We are excited to announce that Dr. Arthur Houle will be presenting for DAMTA on Dec. 14, 2022.  His presentation on Transitioning from Piano Method Books to Classical Repertory is a part of a very worthwhile series available via Zoom.  The Denver Area Music Teachers Association hosts this Fall Course every year and it is open to any piano teacher or student.  Please take a moment to look over all the details about the course subjects and registration below.

$115 - Early Registration (By September 1st) 

$140 - Registration (After September 1st) 

FREE - Students 

Polina Bratkov

TVMTA Secretary 




The Denver Area Music Teachers Association hosts a Fall Course each year on subjects relevant to independent music teachers. Well regarded by community music professionals, the Fall Course fulfills DAMTA’s mission to promote excellence in the teaching of music by offering learning opportunities in different topics such as pedagogy, music technology, creativity, interpretation, business practices, psychology of music, and the appreciation, study and performance of music.


All presentations are accessible via Zoom – Wednesdays (10:30 AM to 11:30 AM; Q & A until noon) beginning on Sept. 14. 

For complete info and to register, visit the website:

Discounted Early Bird Registration is available until September 1st.

August 17, 2022

Colleagues, here is a special invitation from our NEW TVMTA PRESIDENT Dr. Svetlana Maddox!

Dear Teachers,

TVMTA meeting is scheduled for Friday morning, September 16th at 11:00.  We will meet at Chuck-A-Rama restaurant.  Our event budget is tight and it won’t cover the cost of your lunch.  Luckily, Chuck-A-Rama is an inexpensive (but nice) buffet-stye restaurant.  Everyone is invited to attend the meeting.  Our Program Chairs and Event Chairs will talk about their wonderful events that are scheduled in Fall 2022 and in Spring 2023.  

This meeting is a great opportunity for connecting, making fiends, introducing yourself (if you recently moved to Treasure Valley), as well as for learning about the programs, concerts, festivals, and competitions that are offered by TVMTA and for asking questions about these events.  We look forward to seeing all of you!


Chuck-A-Rama Restaurant 

7901 W Overland Rd.

Boise, ID 83709

TIME: 11:00 am 

DATE: September 16th, 2022

July 28, 2022


TVMTA is thrilled to announce that the annual Sonatina Competition will be held November 5th, 2022 at Boise State University. It is a wonderful event that motivates students and challenges us to improve our teaching! If you have questions, please first visit our website where there is lots of general information about the event.

Registration will be open September 1st through September 30th, 2022. Home | TVMTA Event Registrations (

Don't forget to renew your membership before you register students so you are charged the lower member fees. Renew Membership ( Please do not wait until the last minute to do this!!!

The 2022 repertoire list can be found here Sonatina List | TVMTA Event Registrations (

**Repertoire for the Young Artist level must be approved by the committee. Please send selections to by October 1st.**

If you have any additional questions,  please contact me.

Bronwen Godfrey

Sonatina Chair 2022-2023

July 28, 2022

Hello TVMTA members,

 This is just a reminder that I'm getting ready to assemble and

format articles for our September 2022 TVMTA newsletter, so if you

have a submission, I need it by this Wednesday Aug 31st.

 Some hints for successful publishing--Please be sure to include

title, dates and location of events, and desired author signature.

Pictures MUST be separate as a JPG file. Please use Word docx

format--if you send me an image of the article text, I have to type in

the whole article myself! Double-check those dates to make sure the

wrong day doesn't get published.

Robert Morrison

July 28, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We are approaching 2022-2023 academic year and there are several housekeeping things we need to take care of.  

First of all, the Member Directory has been updated according to the information you provided during MTNA registration/renewal for 2022-2023.  Please visit our TVMTA site to make sure your name, phone number and email address are correct.  Previously we have had issues with some of the email addresses where the newsletters would bounce back.  If for any reason you have not been recieving regular TVMTA emails, please provide the preferred email address to and we will add you to our email list.   

Second, we are approaching fall season and it means it is time for our Fall 2022 Newsletter.  Robert Morrison kindly agreed to put together the newsletter but we do need your input and active participation!  You will receive a separate email letter with all the details and instructions.  

Next, we are a month away from Sonatina Registration 2022.  You will be getting an email with all the details about this event from Bronwen Godfrey, our Sonatina Chair 2022-2023.  

And finally, we wish you luck as you arrange your schedules, organize your calendars, and prepare for the upcoming school year!  

Warm regards,

TVMTA Secretary

Polina Bratkov

May 18, 2022

Dearest Teachers,


Utah State University (with Kevin Olson) is organizing a 6-day music Summer Camp in Logan, UT.  

The registration is open to pianists ages 14-18.  Besides daily performances and outdoor activities, students will have private lessons as well as group classes with world-class guest artists and USU Piano Faculty.  

The Application Deadline is JUNE 1.

Thanks to Suzy Clive for bring this information to our attention!

May 9, 2022

Dear teachers:

Save the date!  Our last meeting of this school year is Friday, May 27th 11:00 AM at the Cottonwood Grille in Boise.  You will have a free lunch, we will socialize, and will discuss the year passed and the year to look forward to!  Please, Respond to this email so I will know the numbers to reserve a table for us. 

I am so looking forward to seeing all of you!

Thank you so much for your hard work this year!


Irina  ​

April 19, 2022

Hello Everyone,

Just a friendly little nudge to start thinking about Bach repertoire.  The 2023 Festival will be on Saturday, February 11.  Attached are the categories if you need a refresher on rep choices. I don’t foresee  any major revisions coming.  The committee hasn’t reviewed pricing for 2023 yet, so we will keep you updated if there are any changes on that. 

You may want to check the programs from this past recital to see what categories didn’t get played much—I’d love to see more entries in suites, some of the larger works, Italian Concerto, etc.  And invite your strings and woodwind and organist teachers to participate too!


Adam Bendorf

Chair, The Bach Festival & Competition


April 18, 2022

Hello, TVMTA Teachers! 

The registration deadline for Spring Showcase sign-ups is next Wednesday, 4/20/22. Just login at and click "Pay Fees" and you will be able to register your students for the recitals. You will then receive a Google Form to complete details. You can also mail a check for your total registrations payable to TVMTA c/o Suzy Clive 3038 W Newbury Ct, Eagle, ID 83616. If there is room and you have students performing on more than one recital, the registration fee is just $10 for the second recital. This will be handled on a first come, first served basis, but we will surely try to accommodate everyone! 

This promises to be a fun and enriching event! If any of you know someone with a food/refreshment truck who would like to be at our event in the parking lot May 7, Dunkley's has okayed it! Please email Thanks! -Juli

Our Spring Showcase 2022 will be held Saturday, May 7, 2022 at the beautiful Dunkley Music Recital Hall! Enter your students (including your college students!) in this fun and enriching performance opportunity!

Each performer will receive a beautiful performance ribbon. Each recital will begin with a brief Teacher TED talk given by one of our wonderful member teachers (10 min or less). There will be lovely decorations and perhaps a refreshment wagon outside! Bring your best repertoire to perform on our teacher recital at the end of the day! 

The registration fee for student performers is $20. TVMTA teacher and college student registration fee is $10.


Repertoire length is limited to 5 minutes per student and there is room for roughly 20 performers per recital. If you have a student with a slightly longer work they wish to perform, you can email for permission. However, it is not guaranteed as we are trying to accommodate as many performers as possible

The sign-up deadline has been extended to April 20. 

9:00am Adult Learners

11:00am Baroque and Classic Period

1:00pm Romantic Period

3:00pm 20th - 21st-century

5:00pm Jazz/Contemporary/Originals

7:00pm Ensemble (duets, concerti, trio, quartet, combo...)

8:30pm TVMTA Member Teachers Recital

Registration forms are available on the website under the "Pay Fees" tab. Once you register and pay for your students, you will be sent a Google Form to complete regarding your student’s repertoire.

Please direct questions to Juli Draney Thank you!

April 5, 2022

Hello, Teachers!

I recently received a request asking what the $20 was for regarding Spring Showcase. I thought I would extend this information to the group. In brief, here are the selling points for your students:

Thanks! Again, our registration deadline is extended to April 20. It’s going to be great fun. Thank you!


March 27, 2022

To our amazing teachers,

Here are some updates for Certificate of Achievement - April 9, at Boise State University, Morrison Center.

Dates to remember:

March 28 - All schedules are final.  If you have students who are cancelling, please let us know.  Double check your students' schedules.  There may be a few minutes difference in their time.

March 28  - All volunteers for your studios must be entered so that assignments can be made available to you.  Volunteers - Each studio is responsible for providing 1 half day volunteer for every 5 students entered.  If you as the teacher are not able to volunteer, you are expected to provide a parent or student 14 years of age or older.  Volunteers must be provided to make this event successful and is required whether the students are in person or video.

AM volunteer times are:  8:00 am - 12:30pm

PM volunteer times are:  12:30pm - 5:00pm

Volunteer duties will be hospitality, front desk registration, door monitors, and runners.

April 1- Volunteer assignments will be available.

April 2 - All Video submissions must be completed and emailed to 

Guidelines for video submissions are:  Technic, performance of repertoire, and sight reading have to be recorded in one take.  

Have your student introduce themselves, what level they are playing, the names and composers of the pieces in order of performance and hold up the original music when they announce the pieces.

The sight reading should be in a sealed envelope that is opened on camera by the teacher or parent.  There can be time to review it -  then played one time.

The video needs to be uploaded by the student or parent to YouTube in unlisted mode, the link sent to the teacher and the teacher sends the link to by April 2.  

No late entries will be accepted.

Musicians West has promised the sight reading examples will be made available to us by today and we will send to those teachers who have students who are making videos.

April 8 -Theory tests and ear training tests and answer keys will be sent to all teachers so that they may copy the tests, proctor them with their students, and administer the ear training tests as well.  Please grade them and send the results to by April 8.

No late results will be accepted. 

Masks are not required in the Morrison Center.  You are welcome to wear a mask if preferred

We are very much looking forward to this wonderful event and appreciate your hard work preparing your students and providing support on the day of the event.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Luann Fife

Chair, Certificate of Achievement 2022​

March 25, 2022

Our Spring Showcase 2022 will be held Saturday, May 7, 2022 at the beautiful Dunkley Music Recital Hall! Enter your students (including your college students!) in this fun and enriching performance opportunity!

The sign-up deadline has been extended to April 20. 

Each performer will receive a beautiful performance ribbon. Each recital will begin with a brief Teacher TED talk given by one of our wonderful member teachers (10 min or less). There will be lovely decorations and perhaps a refreshment wagon outside! Bring your best repertoire to perform on our teacher recital at the end of the day! 

The registration fee for student performers is $20. TVMTA teacher and college student registration fee is $10.


Repertoire length is limited to 5 minutes per student and there is room for roughly 20 performers per recital. If you have a student with a slightly longer work they wish to perform, you can email for permission. However, it is not guaranteed as we are trying to accommodate as many performers as possible

9:00am Adult Learners

11:00am Baroque and Classic Period

1:00pm Romantic Period

3:00pm 20th - 21st-century

5:00pm Jazz/Contemporary/Originals

7:00pm Ensemble (duets, concerti, trio, quartet, combo...)

8:30pm TVMTA Member Teachers Recital

Registration forms will be available on the website. Once you register and pay for your students, you will be sent a Google Form to complete regarding your student’s repertoire.

Please direct questions to Juli Draney Thank you! 

March 17, 2022

Hi everyone!

You received our 2022 Sonatina Competition repertoire list yesterday.  I am very excited about our repertoire!  I believe that our choices will be appealing to students, and so many of the pieces are easily available and are part of our standard teaching repertoire. Many thanks to our Sonatina Repertoire Committee, Tawna Love, Rebecca Wren (and me!) for the hours they worked on this project, and to those teachers who reviewed the list and made suggestions. And thank you to Ethan Seegmiller for his help with the website.

Spring is a great time to plan our students' repertoire for next year.  Please consider this repertoire when planning for your students and encourage them to enter this wonderful event.

 Please email me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Best regards,

Amy Audas

2022 Sonatina Repertoire Chair​

March 16, 2022

Dear Colleagues, 

Please see the attached 2022 Sonatina Repertoire List made available by our Sonatina Committee.  We thank Sonatina Competition Chair Suzanne Clive and her team for putting in many hours in compiling this list.  Special thanks for score samples included in the chart!Sonatina Competition is open to students of TVMTA members. Non-member teachers may participate, but will be charged a $20 fee. Please consider joining our organization at Entry fees for Levels YB-2 are $25 per student. Levels 3-5 are $30 per student. Levels 6-10 are $40 per student. Level Young Artist is $45 per student. Young Artist should submit repertoire for approval to the Competition Chair ( by October 1, 2022. Responses are generally given within 48 hours. For more details, please go to our website at


Polina Bratkov

TVMTA Secretary

March 10, 2022

Dear teachers,

The schedule for Certificate of Achievement on April 9 is finalized and viewable in "2022 Student Schedule." Virtual students have also been given times, but for fitting into the judges' schedules. Videos for virtual students need to be submitted to Luann Fife by April 2.

Volunteer assignments also need to be submitted under "Manage Volunteers." Teachers are required to provide 1 half-day volunteer for every 5 students they register.


Ethan Seegmiller

2021–2022 TVMTA Webmaster

February 23, 2022

Dear teachers:

I have great news!  

As many of you know, my term as a president expires this May.  I am so thrilled to announce that our remarkable vice president and program coordinator, Svetlana Nagachevskaya-Maddox gracefully agreed to step in and take on a role of the TVMTA President.  With her professionalism, dedication, and vision, Svetlana will be an indispensable leader for us to follow and to be inspired.  I am so much looking forward to experience the growth of TVMTA under her leadership.



February 23, 2022

Dear teachers:

Our Sonatina Repertoire meeting this Friday is cancelled due to the fact that our dedicated Sonatina Competition committee needs an extra meeting to finalize the list.  As soon as the list is complete, it will be uploaded on our website for your convenience.


Irina Albig

February 11, 2022

Good morning,

I wanted to remind everyone that the repertoire and your choice of video or in person participation in Certificate of Achievement on April 9 at Boise State University - Morrison Center is due by February 12 (tomorrow).  Please be sure to enter all the necessary information for repertoire AND your choice of video or in person.  The next step will be scheduling and this information is necessary to make that happen efficiently.  I am looking forward to a great event this year!  If you have Level 10 Students, be sure to send their list of repertoire to me at your earliest convenience to be approved.


Luann Fife

Chair - Certificate of Achievement 2022

​February 2, 2022

To all our amazing teachers!

The website is open from February 1 - 12 for entering your students' repertoire for Certificate of Achievement.  Please also indicate if they will be participating in person at Boise State on April 9 or sending a video by April 2.  This information will expedite scheduling.  Please check the Musician's West website at to see the most updated information for the syllabus for technique, sight reading, aural skills, repertoire and theory requirements.  There have been some minor changes.  If you have a level 10 student, please remember to send their program to me as soon as possible for the committee to review and confirm.


Students will have 2 options this year for participation. 

Option 1:  Live In Person with a judge at Boise State University for sight reading, technique, and repertoire April 9 at Boise State University, Morrison Center  Theory and ear training tests will be proctored and graded by each individual teacher and scores sent to Ethan Seegmiller by April 8, 2022.

Option 2:  If unable to attend on April 9,2022, a video recording of sight reading, technique, & repertoire must be completed and sent to Luann Fife by April 2, 2022.   Teachers will proctor and grade the theory and ear training tests and submit the scores by April 2, 2022. Please email the scores of the ear training and theory tests to Ethan Seegmiller.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Luann Fife

Certificate of Achievement Chair - 2022

January 30, 2022

TVMTA: Friday, February 4th, 2022 Treasures of Treasure Valley Recital / 6:15 pm at Dunkley Music Recital Hall / Open the hall at 6:00 pm

1. No more than 3 students participants per studio (Depending on numbers of the participants, you might be able to add the other students. Please contact me if you desire to add the students more than three. )

2. Teachers’ performances are also welcome.

3. Any instruments ( included voice ) and any style of performance will be allowed.

4. Please fill out the form below.

-Ex. JJ Miller, 15years old, Allegretto by Shinichi Suzuki ( duet with Micah Miller) and the other. 

- When you have the students more than three after contacting with me, please write No.4 or No.5 … before the student’s name and fill the students information in the same column as the other student.

5. Please submit this form by Thursday, January 31.

6. Please protect yourself from Covid.

TVMTA : Treasures of Treasure Valley, Michiko Miller

January 17, 2022

Dear TVMTA: Teachers, 

TVMTA: Treasures of Treasure Valley Recital

On Friday, February 4th. At Dunkley Music Recital Hall.

At 6:15pm start. Open the door at 6:00 pm. 

First, I wanted to apologize to you all for the short notice about “Treasures of Treasure Valley Recital”. I informed that the date of the event was on 3rd of February at the board meeting a few days ago. On Friday, February 4th is the day of the recital. I will apologize and correct it. 

I have attached the registration form and details of the event. Please read it through, if you have any questions, please let me know! 

Michiko Miller

January 17, 2022

Dear teachers,

This is a reminder that registration for Certificate of Achievement is due by January 23.  No late registrations will be accepted.  Please see the TVMTA website for information about this great event and let me know if you have any questions.  I have also attached to this email the technique that is required for this from Level Prep to Level 9.



January 17, 2022

Dear Teachers,

We had our January TVMTA Board meeting last Friday.  The minutes from the meeting are in the attachment.  

Some of the key points from the meeting:

1. Bach Competition - possibly make it a statewide event in the future and open it up to the non-member teachers 

2. New Master Class Chair - Greg Taboloff

3. Looking for a new Chair for Treasures of theTreasure Valley

4. Fundraiser

5. Sonatina Competition - Showcase in February!

6. Looking for a new Certificate of Achievement Vice Chair

7. Irina Albig will be passing on her position of TVMTA President to the next candidate 

Our next meeting will be held in May.  Please come and get involved!  We want to get to know you and hear your ideas!

January 12, 2022

Dear teachers:

This is a short reminder about our TVMTA board meeting this Friday, January 14th 10:30AM at Dunkley Music.  I hope most of you can come as we will discuss all the upcoming events this Spring.  Among them are:  Bach's Festival, Certificate of Achievement, and Spring Showcase.  I am very excited for our students to be involved in these engaging programs and evaluations!  Please, come join us to learn, support and socialize.  If you are able, come join us for lunch at the Costa Vida afterwards!

See you this Friday,

Irina  ​

December 30, 2022

Hello Teachers, 

Just a quick reminder that the Jan 8 deadline is quickly approaching. Also, don’t forget that you can enter any Baroque composer! The TVMTA web site is unfortunately not properly updated with Bach info, but you can find all the details and register at this Google Forms site:

Instruments: keyboard, strings, woodwinds, ensembles

Registration deadline: January 8, 2022

Festival Event: February 12, 2022 @ Dunkley Music

Thank you to all of you who have registered.  We are going to have a wonderful Festival!


Adam Bendorf

Chair, Bach Festival & Competition


December 30, 2022

Hello TVMTA members,

   This is just a reminder that I'm getting ready to assemble and format articles for our January 2022 TVMTA newsletter, so if you have a submission, I need it by this Friday Dec 31st. We could use one or two more submissions, that would be very much appreciated!

Robert Morrison

December 28, 2022

Dear Teachers,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2022 Year from TVMTA Board!

The registration for Certificate of Achievement opens December 29, 2022. Please see the document with all the details on registration, repertoire, scheduling, participation options and fees.  We thank our Certificate of Achievement Chair Luann Fife for her hard work!


December 29, 2021 – January 23,2022---COA Phase I--To Register/Edit Student

February 1-12, 2022---COA Phase II--To Enter Student Repertoire

March 6, 2022---COA Student Schedules Available

March 8-19, 2022---COA Phase III--To Enter Volunteers

April 9, 2022--Certificate of Achievement, Boise State University

Dear Teachers,

Please join us on ZOOM on Friday, May 12th at 11:00AM.  Below you will find the zoom meeting invitation.  Please do not delete this email until after the meeting, so that you don't lose the ZOOM meeting ID!

EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND the meeting and share their suggestions and points of view.  If you are new to the area or to our organization, please attend our meeting, meet the board members, make friends, and ask questions.  This will be the perfect time to get the answers.  We welcome and encourage your participation in our programs and make sure that you get trained by our more experienced members and not get overwhelmed.  We care for and appreciate our volunteers.  

BOARD MEMBERS - PLEASE TRY ATTEND THIS MEETING and help us make plans for Fall 2023/Spring 2024. 

Attention: if you cannot attend the meeting, please email me the requested information (please read the whole message) or any announcements that you wish to make by May 12th, and I will read your message out loud during the meeting.  Thank you!

Here is the meeting agenda:

TVMTA Secretary, Polina Bratkov will take notes during the meeting and will email the meeting notes to the members after the meeting

Juli Draney, Spring Showcase Chair will discuss her event that will take place on May 13th - the next day after our meeting!

Vice President and Program Chair, Anna Bendorf, will discuss her plans for inviting new Guest Artists in Fall 2023 / Spring 2024

Certificate of Achievement Chair, Suzy Clive - many THANKS and CONGRATULATIONS to you for organizing and conducting such a wonderful event in Spring 2023.  We will look forward to having our students participate in the Certificate of Achievement in Spring 2024!  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about this event.

Treasurer / Registrar, Suzy Clive will provide financial information about Sonatina Competition, Bach Festival, Certificate of Achievement, and Spring Showcase and inform us about the current financial state of our organization.  If we need to make cuts, save, or raise more money, this is the time to discuss it.  If we need to raise the participation fees on some events, please let us know and we will discuss this item as well

Webmaster, Ethan Seegmiller will share his hopes, concerns, or suggestions about our website 

Sonatina Competition Chair, Bronwen Godfrey will discuss the registration process and will answer all possible questions about her event

Sonatina Repertoire Committee, Tawna Love, Amy Audas, Gregory Taboloff, please try to attend the meeting, so that we could THANK YOU in person for selecting the compositions for all levels.

Adam Bendorf, Bach Festival Chair will share his ideas about the organization of this Festival in Spring 2024.  Due to a great number of participants, we have to figure out a way to manage this event in the future, starting with Spring 2024

If I missed any items on the meeting agenda, and you would like to discuss it, please send me an email by May 12th and try to attend the meeting.

September 20, 2021

Dear teachers,

The TVMTA Fall Social is this Friday, September 24 at Gay Pool’s house at 11277 Verde Lane, Boise at 10:30 am.  Gay will be providing coffee, tea, and juice. She would like to know how many are coming, hopefully many will be able to!!

Please let me know what food you would like to bring to share at this fun social. We will need:


Lunch dishes


Please email me at to let me know!

Thank you!

Luann Fife

**Vaccinated members only**

September 19, 2021

Dear teachers, 

Idaho Music Academy will be moving to a new location November 1 that will be very close to the current location.  The lease is ending October 31 and will not be renewed here.  I am very much looking forward to our new location which will provide much better access and parking.  New address and more details to follow soon.


Luann Fife

September 11, 2021


Hello Parents, Teachers and Students, Judges and Volunteers!

This is an informational email intended to let you know the policies and procedures TVMTA has in place for Sonatina Competition, to protect families from the Covid virus. These policies were developed in cooperation with Boise State University and will be strictly enforced. These policies apply to students, parents, judges, teachers, volunteers and anyone else participating in or enjoying the event. 

BSU has been very generous in allowing us the use of their facilities, but that is conditional on our complying with the following guidelines. If you know that you cannot comply with the following requirements, we respectfully ask you to please not participate in the event, as we do not want to lose these privileges in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


1. Everyone entering the building must wear a face mask completely covering their nose and mouth for the duration of their visit to the Morrison Center. Hand sanitizer will be available at the front desk, with every door monitor, and inside every judging room. 

2. Visitors should socially distance from each other.

3. Each competitor may be accompanied by a maximum of ONE adult in the building. No siblings or second parents may tag along. The only exception to this rule is if there is only one parent available and two children competing at times close to each other. In this case the adult may accompany both children, and the sibling may wait with the parent for the competitor to play.

4. Participants are to wait in the parking lot or in their cars until checking in at the front desk. You may check in a maximum of 15 minutes before your assigned performance time. 

5. Students and their adult companion must leave the Morrison Center immediately after their performance. There will be NO warm ups allowed at the Morrison Center. Please do not wander around the building.

6. Judges will wipe off the keys after each performance and wear a mask at all times, except during mealtimes and breaks. Volunteers will wear a mask at all times.

6. Results will be posted online only. There will be no posting of results in the Morrison Center.


1. No more than 2 guests (age 14 and older) per finalist may attend an evening recital. These guests must be both willing and able to wear a mask for the duration of their time in the Morrison Center. We will attempt to livestream the competition so that others may watch the recitals if desired. A link will be available on our website on competition day. 

2. Students are to wear masks at all times, but they may remove their mask while performing. Students should replace their mask after performing, being sure to cover both the mouth and nose with the mask.

3. After the recital, participants and guests will be asked to leave the building immediately. Chatting, congratulating, taking pictures, etc. will not be allowed at all inside the Morrison Center. Feel free to do these things after you exit the building.

We thank you for your cooperation and hope for a wonderful and edifying experience for our students! Please direct any questions to your teacher, who can communicate questions or feedback to the Sonatina Committee directly. Parents should not directly contact the Sonatina Committee.

Now go practice!!! ;)

Your 2021 Sonatina Committee, Treasure Valley Music Teachers Association

September 4, 2021

2021 Sonatina Competition Registration will be open until September 30, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Please do the following things....


September 1, 2021

Enjoy these photos and videos from the 2021 Summer Showcase!