Emcee Script
Make sure these are ready:
Any pedal extenders needed, check the bench and make sure it works and if not replace or notify the kids, ribbons ready on the table, make sure to secure off/prevent people from sitting in the entire first row and half of the second row for students to sit after playing.
1. Get the emcee report with the list of students and learn to pronounce all names. Also get the Judges report with a short bio of each judge.
2. 10 minutes before recital: Practice bowing with students backstage: down-23, up-23, smile-23.
3. Take students on stage and show them the order of seats; then..
4. Briefly demonstrate how to walk on stage professionally in front of the piano, bow, sit and adjust bench as needed, pretend to play 2 seconds, rise after playing, nice bow and be seated in the appropriate seat.
Possible script: Good evening and welcome to the 2099 (or whatever) Finals Recital for the Treasure Valley Music Teachers' Association Sonatina Competition! (applause) We have a great recital prepared for you! But first, please do take this moment to turn off any electronic devices that might beep, ping, buzz or vibrate. If you have children that may potentially get noisy, cry, or be disruptive, please be prepared to keep the disruption as quiet as possible and make a swift exit. You may want to relocate to the end of the row at this time. We are a family friendly event, but after all it, is a live piano competition. With that, let's get started!
In Level 1A our first player is ....we use first name only here. After finish and applause, possible phrases (vary it up a little)
-the second player in 1A is .....
-now we will hear from 1A player two, ....
-and for the next pianist in level 1A ....
Possible script: Wow, we have really heard some terrific playing this evening! Can we give these kids another round of applause? Great job kids! (applause)
Next can we give some love to all the parents and teachers who help their children achieve this incredible level of excellence and preparation? Kids, can we applaud the parents and teachers? (Possible: ask parents and/or teachers to stand for applause)
How about a great big thanks to our Sonatina Committee, and most importantly our Sonatina Competition Chairperson XYZ Jones. A dedication of countless volunteer hours by this person were given, and we have (him/her) to thank for our wonderful event today. *Clap.
We would love to also thank our wonderful and talented judges for this recital. Our judges for this evening are: X from New Jersey, can you please stand? (Initiate applause), Judge Y from Montana (initiate applause), and finally Judge Z from France (initiate applause).
So that is all for now. Feel free to take a moment to stretch, and I will go find out if our judges have come to their decisions. *Go backstage.
FIRST: Ask "if any students receiving Honorable Mention are in the audience, please come down and wait in the wings". After things settle, begin:
Announce second place, allow applause. Announce first place, allow applause. Announce all Honorable Mention for that level together in one string trying to prevent applause between each name, thus one round of applause at the end of all the Hon Mention names. Helpers on stage will form the students into a line.
Note: if you leave the backstage or stage area between recitals, please let people know where you will be. You should be there at all times if possible, and don't forget to prepare the next round of kids on time for the following recitals.